Thursday, July 29, 2010


Most of us have a scar or scars, usually they are small. Maybe reminders of some childhood
mishap, possibly the chickenpox or measles left behind a souvenir. But then sometimes there are big scars, from traumas like falls, bike accidents, etc. Some are from tragic instances, almost unbearable to mention.......and that is just childhood. Becoming adults can bring scars of even more horrendous beginnings. Sometimes when we see scars, we turn our heads in shame and pain, because to look at them reminds us of what that human must have endured to have those scars on their bodies. These are just the visible scars.

Then there are the scars that no one sees. The ones that have ripped hearts and souls to shreds,
that have left spirits so weary, no joy is left only a hollow stare from eyes that no longer trust anyone. These are the scars of hate, of degradation, of seeing the human condition so mistreated there seems to be no redemption. The scars of loss and grief fueled by the fear of never being loved again.

Wars bring scars of both kinds. The wounded come home with scars on the surface as well as those hidden. Soldiers face the fear of stares rooted in pity and piety, while below the surface the battle still rages with memories that sweep the brain like a tsunami or hurricane.

I wish that we could embrace all of these scars. They serve as reminders, seen and unseen, that
those who have them have survived. They are road maps of where we have been, souvenirs of
people and places we have encountered and lived through. They are usually not thought of as things of beauty, but I have begun to see them in a different light. I saw a magazine article a few years ago and it featured nude photographs of women who had survived breast cancer. Some had had reconstruction but many just wore their scars. Those were some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Because of my job, I see the physical and invisible scars daily. I feel quite a love for those scars and the people who have them. They remind me of how small and insignificant my petty day to day problems are. I know it may seem strange, but I see great beauty in many of these scars because I know the ones who wear them have come through the fires of hell on earth. They inspire me with their courage.

So whether your scars are visible or not, large or small, remind your self to wear them like a cloak of priceless fabric more precious than jewels or gold and silver. That whatever the pain and suffering that brought about those scars, you are here as a testament to the human spirit.
There is a reason you were scarred, great or small and your light, your energy glows brighter because of it.

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