Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Clear Skies

As always, the storm clouds moved on and in their place.......incredible blue skies.  If we could only remember this truth.....the  sun always shines after the storm.  It is a truth in weather as well as life.
But honestly, when the storms are raging, and you are in the midst of them, you think the sun will never shine again.  Just as many thought winter would be with us forever, spring with her warmth and ferociousness found us.

The relief that the storms are no longer with us leaves an emptiness and raw exhaustion.  Cleanup is going on in the small towns near us, people putting the pieces of their lives back together as best they can.  We drove into Birmingham today for a visit to the eye doc, and saw the path that one of the storms took.......they leave an ugly swath, twisted broken trees, debris, bizarre scars on the face of the earth that take years to heal.  The scars they leave on their victims never fade.

A beautiful starry night, cool and crisp....a reminder.....that good things do remain.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. glad you are safe, it must be very scary.
    hugs from downunder

  2. Our storm the other night left lots of flooding and hail damage around the area, the no tornado.thankfully. In your area it's like tornado alley. I hope you guys continue with lovely blue skies! We had warmer temps with the storms but today is a bit chilly! Blue skies however! love that!
