Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Flow of a Good Day

This morning was one of those that started rocky, but I just continue to tell myself this too shall pass...and soon it did.  A friend sent me one of the most inspirational videos that I have ever seen and that just increased the good energy.

When I started my classes today, the good energy continued to flow.  Students were optimistic and cheerful today and that is rare where I work.  Their energy continued to rise and by the time class was over there was laughter.

The song that we had worked so hard on yesterday, flowed this evening.  Sometimes we stand in our way, if we learn to just step back and let things flow life is so much better.   We truly can rid ourselves of bad moods, it just takes a little effort.

I walked the dogs early this morning, but it was already so hot and humid Taz and Calliou were panting after a few short minutes.  I brought both of them back to the house quickly where there was plenty of cool water.

I did manage to capture a dazzling sunflower photo.  Looking at the bright yellow cheery flower contributed to the building of good energy and the flow of a good day.
I hope it brings you some cheer tonight.

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